The Secure Shredding Process Explained

While using an office shredder may seem like a simple solution for disposing of confidential documents, there are several pitfalls. 

Time spent shredding can distract employees from more important tasks, and can quickly add up to hundreds of pounds in labour costs. Plus most office shredders don't utilise cross-cut shredding technology, meaning documents are shredded into long strips which can be easily reassembled.

The 5 Steps of a Secure Data Destruction Process

Understanding the secure data destruction process is crucial for safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining data privacy. 

Shred-it has developed a comprehensive approach that ensures your documents are securely destroyed, protecting your business from data breaches and identity theft

Here are the 5 key steps involved in our secure shredding process:

1. Perform Data Security Survey

Assess your specific needs and identify potential risks to tailor our services for maximum protection.

2. Install Secure Containers at Your Location

Provide secure containers to safely store documents until they are ready to be shredded, preventing unauthorised access.

3. Shredding at a Secure Shred-it Facility or Your Location

Shred documents either at our secure facility or directly at your location using state-of-the-art shredding equipment.

Discover all the locations we service.

4. Provide Certificate of Destruction

Issue a certificate of destruction to confirm that your documents have been securely destroyed.

5. Partner with Recyclers

Work with recyclers to ensure environmentally responsible disposal, reducing your carbon footprint.

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The Secure Destruction Process