The Hidden Costs of a Laptop

86% of businesses own laptops

Did you know 46% of all laptops contain confidential information, yet only a third of those laptops are encrypted.1 In one year alone, lost laptops caused more than 9,000 security incidents and 116 confirmed data breaches. 2

Theft or fraud using a laptop is the second most common cause of an organisation's worst data breach. 2

In 2013, a laptop containing 20,143 employee records was lost. The council was fined £150,000. The largest ever fine for a data breach is £980,000 following the theft of an unencrypted laptop containing personal data of £11m bank customers.3

To avoid a security breach:

  • Keep your laptop secure
  • Back up
  • Encrypt
  • Dispose of it properly (when you're finished with it)

Lost or stolen laptops resulted in 9,000 security incidents last year2 and each lost laptop cost businesses, on average, £31,194.1 What are the hidden costs of laptops and the convenience of mobility? Find out:

  • How laptop theft is resulting in security breaches;
  • Statistics on security threats caused by mobile devices;
  • Tips for avoiding an IT security breach; and 
  • Why businesses need better laptop security policies. 



1. "The Billion Dollar Lost Laptop Problem." Ponemon Institute. 2010. May 2014.
 2. PWC 2015 UK Information Security Breached Survery
 3. uks-10-most-infamous-data-breaches-3604586/


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Hidden Cost of a Laptop